What is Utah Houndsmen Association?

The Utah Houndsmen Association was founded to Protect, Promote and Support Hound Hunting in the State of Utah, as well as to work with State and Federal agencies concerning Conservation of Mountain Lions, Black Bears, and Bobcats. Through education, example and promoting hound hunting with a positive public image, we can enjoy our traditions for generations to come.

How can you help protect the future of your sport?

Join the Utah Houndsmen Association.


Involve the Youth

Get the youth involved! Bring them to our annual banquet, field trial and get them on the mountain learning our traditions.


Positive Image

Be cautious and mindful of how you are representing hound hunting in the public eye.

dogs treeing



Educate yourself and others about responsible and ethical practices while in the field and on social media.


Social Media

Post responsibly on social media and educate those that are causing damage to all of us.

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Make an online donation now by simply clicking the button below. Every little bit helps our cause.